
Follow the General Election with Napo - #napoGE1

Will you be following the election coverage on Thursday night? Then why not follow Tania Bassett, Napo's National Official Press Parliament and Campaigns, on Twitter feed  #napoGE1.Read more

06th May 2015
Black, Asian and minority ethnic staff hit by Grayling’s probation “reforms”

A joint action research initiative involving the Association of Black Probation Staff, Napo and the National Initiative for Leadership and Empowerment (NILE) have carried out a survey looking at...Read more

01st May 2015
Offender Management Quarterly Statistics

The Ministry of Justice yesterday published the Offender Management Quarterly Statistics together with some annual figures. Also published yesterday were Proven re-offending statistics July 2012...Read more

01st May 2015
Over my dead body - Voting rights for prisoners

Jonathan Robinson, author of IN-IT and ON-IT (about his experience in the prison system) blogs  on why voting rights for prisoners is not the priority, in the run-up to the General Election....Read more

28th Apr 2015
Message of Solidarity to Probation Board Northern Ireland staff

Members may be aware that there was a bomb explosion in Derry Northern Ireland last night, 27th April. The device, which  was left outside the Probation Office, exploded before Police were able to...Read more

28th Apr 2015
