Family Court Section

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About Family Court Section

Napo is the largest trade union in Cafcass. Family Court members are organised in the Family Court Section (FCS) of Napo. The section meets five times a year to discuss issues such as health and safety, negotiating including pay and conditions and professional and training issues. 

Family Court section representatives and National Officials progress these subjects at consultation and negotiating meetings with Cafcass, and through our campaigning work.

The Family Court Section also holds an annual professional conference which is also open to non-members.

What makes Napo special:

  • We are a professional association as well as a trade union, so we can ensure your best interests in all aspects of your work.
  • Family Court Committee - We have a committee that meets three times a year to discuss and develop policies and guidance on professional practice issues. If you would like to get involved please contact Jacqui Paryag, Napo administrator for the committee.
  • Family Court Conference.- FCS activists organise a yearly conference, which is an opportunity for our members to get together to listen to experts in the field.

We are a democratic trade union:

  • Section policy is agreed at the FC SAGM (Family Court Section Annual General Meeting) - which any member is entilted to attend
  • The SAGM elects the Section Executive Commmittee (SEC)
  • The FCS elects two representatives to the Napo’s National Executive Committee.
  • The FCS elects a Napo National Vice-Chair

This means Family Court members voice is at the heart of Napo

Click here to see the Constitution of the Family Court Section

For help and advice on workplace issues contact:

National Vice Chair's:  Steve Hornby or Adam Harmsworth

Co-chairs of the FCS:
Nicki Kenny

There are also a network local Napo representatives

Click here for a Request for Representation form

Napo National Official:
Ian Lawrence, Napo General Secretary

Napo adminstrators:
Jacqui Paryag
Cynthia Griffith