Family Courts Campaign Special

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Important information for new members

Napo will shortly be updating the membership forms and access to these on the website.Due to the removal of check off for NPS members we will be updating membership forms to include direct debit details. As such we felt it was important to have easy access to FCS application forms, which still require a deduction from source form to be completed. We will let you know as soon as the update is finished. As a consequence of both check off and the hostile approach to union members in the MoJ we are also asking for all members to provide personal email address. Napo will NO LONGER be able to communicate with members on trade union activities such as campaigning via your work email so please ensure you update us today. Contact or update your details yourself on the Napo website

Operational Issues Update

FCS has a number of operational issues to contend with of late which has caused a huge amount of extra work and frustration amongst an already overstretched workforce. There have been significant ICT failures over the last month or so and whilst there have been some improvements the problems are ongoing. Napo will be working closely with the MoJ on members’ behalf to ensure this is fully functional as soon as possible.
Members may be aware that the MOJ is looking to review its estates and office locations. This has caused unease with members concerned about their future working environments, a continued push to home working increasing a sense of isolation and concerns about increased travel times.Napo will be strongly arguing that these issues are addressed and other unforeseen consequences such as a lack of availability and quality of supervision of staff. It is positive that Cafcass has involved Napo in these discussions at an early stage so we are in a good position to represent members’ interests. We will provide regular updates on how these discussions are progressing.

Family Court Parliamentary Group

Parliamentary groups are due to reconvene shortly and Napo will be writing to all MPs to ask them to join the group and take an interest in the issues Family Courts and staff are facing. In September 2015 the group will be launching a guidance paper on understanding Cafcass and Family Courts to assist MPs with constituents’ queries and to encourage them to join the group.

Family Court Conference 2015

This year’s conference is being held Thursday 18th June at The Thistle Hotel Birmingham..For a full programme &registration form click here. The conference is open to all staff and interested stakeholders. It is a professional conference designed to develop best practice and allow networking amongst Cafcass staff. If you know a non-member then please pass on details of the conference and see if you can sign them up to Napo.