Andrew Selous replaces Jeremy Wright as Justice Minister

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It was announced yesterday that Andrew Selous has replaced Jeremy Wright in the Ministry of Justice following the government reshufflle. Jeremy Wright has moved to become Attorney General. 

News of the appointment of Mr Selous to his new role brought the following comment from Napo General Secretary Ian Lawrence:

‘While I have of course written to new Minister on his appointment, I have already made it clear that Napo believes that the Transforming Rehabilitation agenda has had a deleterious impact on our hard working and committed members.’ Ian added: 'I am also hoping that the Minister will honour the speaking slot which had previously been confirmed by his predecessor at the Napo AGM, as I believe that this will be a vital opportunity for him to understand exactly what our members are trying to cope with and that even at this late stage it would help to convince Mr Selous to recommend a halt to this disastrous social experiment.’