All Napo members working in Probation, including those in UPW and interventions, should follow the PPE and Safe Working Practice Guidance version 14 In order to keep everyone as safe as possible through recovery. Group work (eg programmes) should still maintain 2m social distance wherever possible and group maximum numbers should not be significantly increasing. RPDs now have autonomy within the Prioritisation framework and there is a dashboard which they are required to update every Friday. This should be shared with local TU reps, if your regional team are not sharing this please request it and escalate to Carole Doherty if necessary.
New HR policy guidance is being issued, following consultation with the Trade Unions. This provides clarifications on the need for individual risk assessments for staff who believe they have additional vulnerabilities and the need for a COVID – specific risk assessment for pregnant staff in addition to the required pregnancy risk assessment.
Napo Contact – Carole Doherty