Napo Officers 2015-17

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The ballot for Probation Vice-Chair and Vice-Chair (Finance) closed today.

For the position of Vice-Chair the following was elected: Chas Berry (Kent Surrey & Sussex).
For the position of Vice-Chair (Finance) the following was elected: Chris Pearson (Essex).

As stated in BR 74/2015, Chas and Chris have therefore been elected for a two year term which runs from Napo AGM in October 2015 to AGM October 2017.

Napo Officers’ Group 2015-2016

The full Officers’ Group for 2015-2016, with effect from AGM 2015, will be as follows:

Co-Chair (job share):    Yvonne Pattison, PO, East Coast & Chris Winters, PO, East Coast
Vice-Chair (Cafcass):    Jay Barlow, Family Court Section
Vice-Chair (Probation):  Katie Lomas, PO, West Yorkshire
Vice-Chair (Probation):  Dave Adams, PSO, The Mercia
Vice-Chair (Probation):  Chas Berry, PO, Kent Surrey & Sussex
Vice-Chair (Finance):    Chris Pearson, SPO, Essex

ERS Scrutineer’s Report

Please click here for a copy of the Scrutineer’s report as received from Electoral Reform Services which details the outcome of the ballot. I am sure that members will join me in congratulating the successful candidates and also express their appreciation to all those who stood for election, their commitment has been a credit to them all.

Yours sincerely

General Secretary