Napo outrage at pay freeze announcement

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Members will no doubt have seen today’s media reports that the Government are threatening a public sector pay freeze in 2021 and perhaps even longer, except for NHS workers.

The confirmation by Ministers that Chancellor Rishi Sunak is considering this possibility as part of the outcomes from next weeks expected publication of the Spending Review, has prompted furious responses from Unions across the public sector.

Ministers have claimed that this summer’s pay increase for some public sector workers, along with statistics claiming that public sector salaries have outstripped those in the private sector by 7%, justifies such a policy.

The facts

Napo members across the NPS, CRCs, Probation Northern Ireland and Cafcass will share the sense of outrage as they were not included in the summer pay round, and have seen their pay fall behind comparable professions over the last decade during which they have been subject to the last public sector pay freeze ...READ MORE