New instructions regarding PSRs

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There has been on going changes within the Court forum and here is the latest information.

The gatekeeping guidance was updated by the Central Court Team, November 2023 and was emailed to staff December 2023.  This is called Practice Guidance: Gatekeeping for written Pre-Sentence Reports.   

An update has been provided by the Employer, Determining Pre-Sentence Reports PI 04/2016, section 6.2 clarifies that the court should be informed of previous reports (up to 12-months old), although these may only be provided to the court when the court specifically requests access, and so when providing the court with these it should be advised that the information which the report contains will not provide an up to date accurate assessment of risks or needs and the court may require a new  PSR to be prepared.  Both should be available on Equip. 

At the moment we are also holding a monthly Court Network for members to join and express any concerns or things that work well within their area.  Look out for the invites on Napo mailouts.