
Pay News

NPS Pay Ballot result masks members anger

Napo members have voted to accept the NPS 2020/21 Pay offer by a margin of 65% to 35%. In a joint letter to the NPS notifying them...Read more

22nd Dec 2020
Probation Reunification CRC Measures Consultation

As we move closer to the reunification of the Probation service following the dramatic Government U-turn this year, important wok lies ahead as the CRC’s engage with trade unions in the...Read more

22nd Dec 2020
Cafcass partnership progress and pay talks to start soon

Some highly constructive engagement has taken place between Napo and senior Cafcass management this year on a number of issues and it is hoped that a joint statement can be issued soon to reflect...Read more

22nd Dec 2020
Napo and the diversity agenda

The incredible unity and support around the globe for the Black Lives Matter campaign following the horrendous murders in the USA has put  the issue of race relations into a focus not seen since...Read more

22nd Dec 2020
Sarah Friday leaves Napo

As announced recently, National Official Sarah Friday will be leaving us in January to take up a position with the Rail Maritime and Transport Union. Sarah has undertaken some excellent work for...Read more

22nd Dec 2020
